Hob is a great game. It made me notice and enjoy things I'd normally overlook or filter out subconsciously. If you want something well-crafted, relaxing and engaging, give it a go.
Version 2.1 of csv-to-sqlite [https://pypi.org/project/csv-to-sqlite/] was just
There are a few new things, suggested in GitHub
[https://github.com/zblesk/csv-to-sqlite] issues: you can now specify that
Twenty years. It took me twenty years to get around to playing this gem of a
game. That's not an overstatement, either: I distinctly remember the cover of
the LEVEL magazine
When I pushed my recent Ghoplin [https://zblesk.net/blog/introducing-ghoplin/]
mini-project to GitHub, it automatically offered to define a build action. I
really liked the user experience here: GitHub offered the Action
I like the Ghost blogging platform. I also really like Joplin, the tool that handles all of my notes. In order to be able to search both my notes and my blog posts with a single search, I've written Ghoplin, a tool for downloading Ghost posts into Joplin.