Painting my handheld to match my keyboard

I had a black-and-orange keyboard, my Rev57LP. I bought an orange-and-white retro handheld console more or less by accident. How cool would it be if the colors matched?!

The console in question is the Anbernic RG28XX. It's great, it can play anything up to PlayStation 1, it fits in your pocket, and it's available in orange. The only thing it lacks is wi-fi, which can be remedied with a USB dongle. It's not too expensive, but I've managed to nab it with a very big discount. I've been buying it as a Christmas present for a friend. When I realized the console plus postage was expensive to the point of not being worth it, but two consoles plus postage was a good deal, I bought two. I thought I might give it to someone else or something, but I fell in love and decided to keep it.

The original white buttons gave it a cute candybar look, but I really thought it might fit my setup better with black ones. Thankfully, a youtuber called TechDweeb did a video about painting your controllers:

After vacillating for a while I decided to risk it. I disassembled the console, gave the buttons a slight sanding with very fine sandpaper, spray-painted it with a quick-dry black color, and then with a matte varnish.

The result

I'm really satisfied with the result. I wonder whether the buttons get worn even despite the varnish; however, it's been 2 months and it's fine so far.

Here is the device next to the original one, kept with the original white buttons:

Comparison with original, sorry for the bad lighting

Now my keyboard and handheld match. 10/10 would recommend.