
Making a Joplin API in C#

My new Joplin API for C# is very much incomplete; but it still can do useful things. I use it to create and update notes.

Notes and tools, continued

When I wrote the post On taking notes and syndicating them [], I've (manually) sent a webmention to Ton Zijlstra's post it was based on. I hadn't really expected

On taking notes and syndicating them

I've been following Ton Zijlstra's blog for the past few months with great interest. There's noone else in my reader who blogs quite like he does - maybe I should find more.[1]

Joplin: three years later

I didn't even remember how much time passed since I switched from Evernote to Joplin - I had to check the previous blog entry. Apparently, it's been more or less exactly three years. A lot has changed since then - all of it for the better.