Books I've read recently

How Music Works by David Byrne

I may be in the minority here, but I went into this wanting to learn about music, not about the author - whom I knew nothing about. There was barely enough interesting info so the book earns the 3 stars. It was okay, I guess. But the parts where Byrne talked about places he went and people he met or worked with were absolutely uninteresting to me, and a bore to listen to.

The most interesting parts were right at the beginning: about how music influences the venues built for it, how the venues in turn influence musical compositions made with them in mind, how the changing social mores and easy access to technology shaped music, et cetera. The parts about various financing and distribution models were also somewhat interesting, though I don't think enough attention was paid to various issues with the contemporary streaming business models. (You can read some Doctorow if you're interested in that.)