Audiobookshelf revisited

I'm revisiting Audiobookshelf five months later. It's a great app, but sadly the features I need the most are broken. 😟

Made a (RoMac) Macropad

A few months ago I wrote about making my first wireless keyboard. That was just a proof of concept that I disassembled right away. I then made another keyboard: the RoMac macropad. I&

Good idea: You should take more screenshots

I stumbled upon this blog post today. Its central idea is simple: along with your various digital projects, archive screenshots of them as well. They tend to stay readable even after many years,

Ten years in a hundred posts

The previous post was the hundredth I've posted to this blog. They took ten years to write. That might sound like "not a lot" to put it mildly, but

Diablo Immortal

I've played Diablo Immortal and was ready to like it. It wasn't bad, but it kind of fell flat.