
Discovering Pokémon romhacks

I always knew people were modifying ROM dumps of various video games, but in the past year, I discovered that I severely underestimated how plentiful they are. I knew of some of them

Xbox Game Pass not worth it

Game Pass is such a bad, unreliable service that even a good selection of games isn't enough to save it.

Horizon Zero Dawn

I've played a bunch of Horizon Zero Dawn last year. I wanted to try it since it came out,[1] even though I didn't know much about it beyond

Stats from walled gardens

When I looked at my Goodreads stats this year, for the first time in well over a decade I saw this: I didn't realize it's been over a year

Playing Factorio feels like hobby programming

Endless loops of running between bottlenecks, issues, outages. Lots of bug squishing. Dopamine highs when you complete your latest change and see the whole monster of a thing you've created spring back to life. Count me in.