
Wallabag - with MySQL and RabbitMQ

How I discovered Wallabag and made it run on Ubuntu with MySQL and RabbitMQ for Imports. Everything I needed to do should be here,

Hosting a .NET Core 2 app on Ubuntu

A few months ago I'd started a fun side-project of moving my personal web apps from various Windows-based services to a single Ubuntu VM because of the release of Ghost 1.0 [https:

Making Gitea start automatically with systemd

I managed to deploy my Gitea service, but had difficulties getting it to start automatically on system startup. (Oh, I really miss Windows Scheduler.) I stumbled upon an article explaining how to define a simple systemd unit. I attempted to write one, and it worked! Here is what I came up with:

Running a git repo site on nginx on Ubuntu

Last time around [https://zblesk.net/blog/ghost-learning-nginx-on-ubuntu/] I wrote about migrating my webs to an Ubuntu VM. One of the few things that were left to migrate was my private git repo

Ruby on Bash on Windows

While in the process of migrating this blog [https://zblesk.net/blog/yet-another-blog-migration/], I've made some modifications [https://github.com/zblesk/scrawl] to the Scrawl theme by Kate Preston [https://github.com/ktweeden]