
Rescuing your data from Goodreads

In the previous post I mentioned that I wrote a script to extract the "started reading" dates from GR. Here it is, in case you need it.

Ditching Goodreads, moving - not sure where

Last month, when I'd been messing with my Goodreads (GR) export file, I realized something I should have noticed ages ago: the export does not contain "date started". That will not do.

Leaving Evernote for Joplin

I have been looking for an Evernote replacement for the longest time. It's a nice tool, but it has some features and limitations that irritated me: no markdown support (the HTML in the

Running a git repo site on nginx on Ubuntu

Last time around [https://zblesk.net/blog/ghost-learning-nginx-on-ubuntu/] I wrote about migrating my webs to an Ubuntu VM. One of the few things that were left to migrate was my private git repo

Ghost: making me learn nginx on Ubuntu

So the time finally came: Ghost 1.0 [https://github.com/TryGhost/Ghost/releases/tag/1.0.0] is out. My setup is a little more complex than the vanilla one: on this