

Books of 2016 - Non-fiction

I always try to keep track of the books I've read. This time around, I've also decided to try to write a short overview of the books I'

Best games of 2016

Looking at this list now, I think if you only had to play one game from this list, make it: The Swapper It's a puzzle platformer with a self-cloning mechanic. There

Reading challenge - 2015 - 2017

A "Reading Challenge" floated about the 'net some two years ago. At first I'd been thrilled by the idea: of course! I always want to broaden my horizons.

Diving into The Legend of Zelda

I had never played any of the Legend of Zelda games. Of course, I knew a lot about them from hearsay, as probably any gamer on the web does, but that's